Definitions, synonyms, derivatives, etc

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anagrams of : TRANSLATE

9 letters - exact anagrams

alterants • translate •

8 letters

alterant • asternal • slattern •

7 letters

Antares • antlers • arsenal • Astarte • at least • Lateran • latters • natters • Ranales • rattans • rattles • rentals • saltate • sealant • snarl at • stare at • starlet • startle • sternal • talents • tartans • Trental •


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you can search for anagrams in the following languages :

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian


results show exact anagrams and included anagrams (1 or 2 letters less than the input word)

extra informations

click on the results to see definitions, synonyms, etc.